03/16: Register for Upcoming “Attributes of Christ” Workshop by Apr. 9

03/16: Register for Upcoming “Attributes of Christ” Workshop by Apr. 9

The Adult Discipleship Ministry is offering a Zoom workshop about the Attributes of Christ as a follow-up to the current worship series “The Way of Christ.”  Hosted on April 18, 1:30-3:30 p.m., this workshop will provide more information about the 11 Attributes which comprise the ways in which we focus on “Becoming More Like Jesus.”  Included will be: a self-assessment of the Attributes (taken prior to the workshop), a review of the attributes, tips and techniques of how to “live into” these attributes.

Please register by emailing gro.cmuainocnarf@pihselpicsid no later than April 9,  2021. Once registered, you will receive the Attributes Self-Assessment to complete and score prior to the workshop. The zoom link will be on the Church Calendar or you may get the Zoom link by emailing gro.cmuainocnarf@pihselpicsid.