Rise Against Hunger Fundraiser & Walk-a-thon

Rise Against Hunger Fundraiser & Walk-a-thon

We are raising money to help prepare 20,000 meals for Rise Against Hunger on October 2, 2022 (save the date!). But we still have a long way to go to reach our $7,000 goal. If you would like to help, donations can be made through the offering box on Sunday, mailed to the church, or through e-giving. Please be sure to indicate on the envelope, memo line or note field that this is for Rise Against Hunger.

T-Shirt Sale

To help us meet our fundraising goal we are selling a new Franconia UMC t-shirt, which all the fashionable people wear to FUMC events. T-shirts cost $20 each. You can choose to have the t-shirt shipped to the church for pickup for free or have it delivered straight to you for a small fee. T-shirts can be purchased here: https://www.customink.com/fundraising/fumc-rah2022


Last June, 26 people on two teams walked approximately 1,962 miles. As the crow flies, that’s the distance from Franconia, Virginia to the Utah/Nevada border. Or, if we stick to roads, we walked from Franconia to Grand Junction, Colorado. The two teams were Godspeed and Walking with Jesus, aka the J-Walkers. Combined, the 13 members of Team Godspeed walked nearly 950 miles, while the 13 members of Team J-Walkers, walked over 1,000 miles. Congratulations Team J-Walkers!

After the success of last year’s walk-a-thon, we will be hosting it again in June. If you would like to join us, we will have two teams of walkers who will have the month of June to walk or run as much (or as little) as they want. The team with the most distance traveled at the end of the month gets bragging rights. Contact Brenda Talley (moc.liamg@ohyellatadnerb) to sign up to walk! You’ll be assigned to a team and be contacted by your team captain by May 31st with more information. We will have a kick-off event on Saturday, June 4th at 10AM with a group walk around the church neighborhood. Save the Earth – bring your own reusable water bottle (water will be provided if you forget a bottle).