Vacation Bible School Volunteers and Donations Needed

Vacation Bible School Volunteers and Donations Needed

Decorating Items needed for VBS

This year our VBS is set in the southwest. We are looking for some items for our campsite set for the sanctuary. If you have a small tent, sleeping bags, or camp chairs we could borrow, please let Linda Biscardo at gro.cmuainocnarf@yrtsinimsnerdlihc know. These items will not be used by the children. They will strictly be for decorating the sanctuary.

Help still needed for VBS

We are also still in need of 3 crew leaders to lead our children through their stations. This is very similar to being a chaperone on a school field trip. There is no preparation needed. You simply show up and have fun with the kids. If you cannot help the whole week, even one or two days would be wonderful. Please prayerfully consider helping this year.