New SALT Study

New SALT Study

In order to prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ, the SALT Bible Study group will begin a new four-lesson Advent study Wednesday, November 16 at 10:30 a.m. on Zoom. The link is on the church calendar.

For centuries, Christians have turned to the story and message of John the Baptist in the weeks leading up to Christmas. In Prepare the Way for the Lord: Advent and the Message of John the Baptist, best-selling author and pastor Adam Hamilton explores the Advent themes of John’s life and ministry, and how John calls all followers of Jesus to prepare our hearts for his coming.

In each of the Gospels, the story of Jesus is intertwined with that of his cousin John, the one whom the prophets foretold would come to “prepare the way of the Lord.” When we hear the message of John the Baptist, it makes us and our world ready to receive Christ.

Chapter topics include:
1. A People Prepared for the Lord
2. God Is Gracious
3. The Fruit of Repentance
4. Witnesses Testifying to the Light

We would love to have you join us for this wonderful Advent study. For more information, please contact Dar Davis at dardavis01@gmail, com.