Church Town Hall Meeting

Church Town Hall Meeting

Greetings, fellow congregants of Franconia United Methodist Church!

The purpose of this email is to announce a church Town Hall meeting on February 5th at 11:30 AM.

One of the church goals set by Church Council this year is to refine our leadership structure to better reflect the needs, mission, and strategy of our church community.
There will be a church Town Hall meeting on February 5th at 11:30 AM in Cokesbury Hall to present information regarding the proposed new model and leadership structure.  There will only be one service that day at 10 AM, to allow everyone the possibility to attend this important meeting.

Following the recommendation of our District Superintendent, we have been exploring a simpler leadership structure, than we have traditionally used.  A number of churches within the Northern Virginia District have moved to or are exploring this new model for leadership.  This model is designed to be more efficient, help churches better align with their overall vision and mission, and to allow more people to participate in ministry rather than attend meetings.

This past year, the Church Council approved the exploration of a similar change to our leadership structure.  After District approval, a small team has been meeting since July to consider how such a change might be applied to our congregation.  Our exploration team is now ready to share this proposed new model and structure for our leadership.

The Church Council invites you to please plan to attend the town hall on February 5th.  The exploration team will present the reasons they feel Franconia UMC would benefit from a more simplified model of leadership, discuss how this change will impact the church leadership and community at large, and highlight the proposed leadership structure.  We will also be soliciting feedback from stakeholders and committee leadership, who might be impacted by any such changes.  The exploration team will then continue its work to incorporate feedback and address any areas of concern, and recommend next steps to Church Council.  Again, we hope that you will attend this important Town Hall meeting as we discern the best leadership model for Franconia UMC.

Melissa Porter-Miller
Bruce Bartolain
Church Council Chair