Walking to Fight Hunger

Walking to Fight Hunger

Franconia UMC’s annual walk-a-thon to raise funds to support Rise Against Hunger will take place in August. This year, we are shaking things up a little bit!  Instead of teams, we are challenging everyone to set a personal goal – and then try to beat it!  We are also asking participants to ask their friends and families for pledges, which can be paid by using Franconia UMC’s online donation link and choosing “Rise Against Hunger” from the drop down menu. If you would like to participate, please sign up here.  Mark your calendars for Saturday, August 5th – we will be holding a kick-off event at church at 9:30 a.m.  We will meet in the church parking lot and start getting our steps in together!  Also, starting in July, we will reopen the Franconia UMC t-shirt sales, so if you didn’t get a chance to order one this spring, you will have the opportunity to do so!

Please email gro.cmuainocnarf@eciffohcruhc for any questions.
