Conversations on Race and Faith

Conversations on Race and Faith

The next Conversations on Race and Faith will be August 13, 2023 at 1:00PM on Zoom.  This month we will look at an outsider’s view of race and faith in America.

Rev, Dr. Sarah Coakley is a professor of divinity at both St. Andrews and Cambridge Universities.  She explores some of the uncomfortable truths about the historic power of Christianity in the US, and the importance of both theological and philosophical analyses of the ‘problem of seeing’ what is happening in a culture.  She speaks about it in a video from the British Academy.

Racism and religion in America | 10-Minute Talks | The British Academy

She quotes a rapper “”The question of civil rights does not even get to the deeper and more profound issue of racism, for that is a problem of seeing.”  What do you think she meant by using the quote?

We will also watch a conversation between two pastors, Dr. Conway Edwards, One Community Church and Pastor John McKinzie, Hope Fellowship Non-Denominational.  They have some suggestions on how to bridge the racial gap.

How Should Christians Respond to Racism?

How do these pastors’ suggestions fit with the discussion of Dr. Coakleys material?

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