Suicide Prevention Service this Sunday at 9 and 11 AM.

Suicide Prevention Service this Sunday at 9 and 11 AM.

September 10th begins National Suicide Prevention Week. Suicide is such an important concern that this Sunday is going to be Suicide Prevention Sunday. We will have a special message focused on suicide and suicide prevention. In this hope-filled message, we’ll learn of those in scripture who struggled with suicidal thoughts and explore the hope our faith offers us on this issue that affects so many lives. Nearly 46,000 people die by suicide each year in the United States, and over 12.2 million adults struggle with suicidal thoughts. Suicide is the second leading cause of death for young adults. Most of us will know someone during our life who is struggling with suicidal thoughts. Some of us have lost loved ones to this tragedy. Because of this, we wanted you to be aware of this Sunday’s theme. This message, and the resources we’ll have in worship, could play a part in saving the life of someone you love. Please invite your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers to join you for worship as we search for hope and help in addressing some of the underlying factors leading to suicide.