Posts from 2023 (Page 14)

Posts from 2023 (Page 14)

Rise Against Hunger on Easter Morning!

The NOW Committee will be hosting a fundraising breakfast on Easter morning after the sunrise service to raise funds for our Rise Against Hunger mission work. We will have bagels, cinnamon rolls, and donuts!  Please join us to help support this critical mission.  You can donate either Easter morning, or through our online donation link (select Rise Against Hunger from the drop down menu).

A Disciple’s Path – New Start Date!

Introductory Methodist Study Starting April 16, and Ending on May 28  We are disciples of Jesus Christ.  More specifically, we are Methodists.  So what?  What do those phrases mean in how we shape our world view, as we attempt to center on loving God and others?  This six-week study with an introductory week is an invitation to become dynamic, engaged followers of Jesus Christ.  The study combines a Wesleyan understanding of our growth in God’s love and grace with the…

Coffee and Conversation

Please join us this Sunday from 10:15-10:45 a.m. in Cokesbury Hall for Coffee & Conversation. We will watch a short video titled “She” then have a discussion. In the NOOMA film She, Rob Bell takes a look at the feminine qualities of God. We often focus on the masculine character of God. But when we omit the feminine, are we missing a very fundamental part of God’s nature? Maybe understanding a bit more about the feminine would help us to have…

Coffee and Conversation

Coffee and Conversation Please join us this Sunday, March 19 from 10:15-10:45 a.m. in Cokesbury Hall for Coffee & Conversation. This week our topic is “Shells.” Do you often find yourself saying, “I’m so busy” or “I just have so much to do?” It’s easy to get overwhelmed with appointments, gatherings, to-do lists. But what are we really doing with our time? Many of us are running from place to place and it seems like life is just passing us…

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Our Prayer Shawl Ministry is in need of help Our Prayer Shawls are made by church members (and friends). Anyone who could use prayers or a hug may be given a prayer shawl. All of our shawls are machine washable and dryable. No one who is ill or recovering should have to worry about hand washing or allergies. If you know someone who could benefit from one of our shawls then contact the church office or Suzanne Ackley (703-980-3708 /…

Conversations on Race and Faith

The next Conversations on Race and Faith will be March 12, 2023 at 1:00PM on zoom. We will look at the control of the narrative on race. As we do this, let’s consider the following: Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past —George Orwell “1984” The control of the narrative has often been a way to push false information about our history as though it was fact. This is often done, not only for…

Coffee and Conversation

Please join us this Sunday from 10:15-10:45 a.m. in Cokesbury Hall for Coffee & Conversation. This week our topic is “Open.” DOES PRAYER REALLY HELP? Many of us have experienced situations where we’ve prayed and it felt like God wasn’t listening. And yet other times we’ve prayed or known someone that prayed and the situation changed. Does God answer prayer? Sometimes, but not all the time? Or does God always answer prayer and it’s just that sometimes God says no? Some…

Holy Week Schedule

April 2 Palm Sunday One Service 10:00 a.m. – Cantata April 6 Maundy Thursday Service 7:30 p.m. – Holy Communion April 7 Good Friday Tenebrae Service 7:30 p.m. – Service of Shadows April 9 Easter Sunday  7:00 a.m. – Early Morning Service;  9:00 a.m. – Traditional Service; 11:00 a.m. – Contemporary Service

News about Youth Fundraisers!

It worked so well before, we figured we’d do it again! The youth will be hosting two more fundraisers in the month of April, and we hope you’ll join us! All proceeds go to support the youth for their mission trip to serve Red Bird Mission in Beverly, Kentucky July 23rd to July 28th. The Last Soup-er We hope you’ll join us for our next dinner, a fantastic pun for Good Friday- the Last Soup-er! On Friday, April 7th from…

New Monday Night Study Begins March 20th

New Monday Night Bible Study begins on March 20th on Zoom 7:00-8:30 pm. The Lord’s Prayer:  The Power and Significance of the Prayer Jesus Taught by Adam Hamilton Most Christians know the Lord’s Prayer by heart. We pray it often, at different times and in different settings. We remember it as the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples. But do we really understand and appreciate the meaning and power of its words, what we ask of God each time we pray it? …