Multiple Opportunities for a Lenten Study

Multiple Opportunities for a Lenten Study

Have you heard of the town that suffered severely during a pandemic so much that they made fundamental changes to their way of life?  All we have to do is look around us, right?  Well, the town of this story is Oberammergau, Germany, and the beginning of their pandemic story occurred 400 years ago, and yet their commitment to change has lasted to this day.  In the book and video study, The Passion Play: Living the Story of Christ’s Last Days Pastor Rob Fuquay takes us on an exploration of how the citizenry of Oberammergau’s commitment to hosting a Passion Play every ten years has affected them, in good times and bad, and invites us to consider how our hopes for the future might be found in looking at their past experience.
The study is six weeks long, and includes a book discussion preceded by a video presentation each week.  The video is hosted by author and Pastor Rob Fuquay, and located in Oberammergau, as that town prepares to host its ten-year passion play later this year.

Franconia UMC has several Bible-study groups that will undertake this study, starting on February 20th with the Span of Ages adult Sunday School class on Sunday morning at 0845-0945 AM.  The Wednesday morning S.A.L.T Bible-study group will also discuss the book and video starting on Wednesday, March 9th at 10:30 AM to 12:00PM.  Both classes will be hosted virtually over Zoom (although the Span of Ages class will begin hybrid live/virtual classes later in the study—stay tuned for more on that later).  Books for the Span of Ages class have been ordered and will be available for pick-up at the church starting on 14 February.  People interested in participating in the S.A.L.T. Bible-study group may purchase the book (available through a number of online book-sellers) or request a copy by contacting gro.cmuainocnarf@pihselpicsid.

If you are interested in this Lenten-oriented study, please contact Bruce Bartolain at moc.oohay@nialotrabb, or Dar Davis at  moc.liamg@10sivadrad. All are welcome!