SALT Bible Study Announcement – New Study Starting April 27th

SALT Bible Study Announcement – New Study Starting April 27th

“I’m  Waiting, God” by Barb Roose will be the basis for a 4-week study beginning on April 27th and led by Barbara Lawrence.  The Zoom meeting information is found on the church calendar (Wed. AM 10:30 – 12:00 PM) or contact gro.cmuainocnarf@pihselpicsid

“Waiting is hard – and that includes waiting on God.  When bills are stacking up, our families are falling apart, or our dreams feel  like they might never come true, waiting on God can frustrate us all.  Unanswered prayers challenges  our faith, but they’re also an opportunity to grow in faith.  In this four week study we will explore the stories of four woman in the Bible who had to wait on God – Hannah, Ruth, Martha, and the unnamed bleeding woman.
If you or someone you love has felt anxious, angry, discouraged, or depressed because God isn’t answering their prayers, their stories will breathe fresh hope and practical next steps in your life.”

The workbook is available via Amazon ($14.26) or you can reach out to gro.cmuainocnarf@pihselpicsid to request a copy. The workbook contains personal Bible study lessons, good  pointers into reading the scriptures, journaling, and praying.