Race and Faith – The Conversation Continues

Race and Faith – The Conversation Continues

The Race & Faith group was formed to educate and address the issues of race & faith in the church and community. If we are truly followers of Christ and brothers and sisters, we must be better at celebrating, accepting, and appreciating one another’s differences, along with our similarities. Understanding that we all have a different lens we see the world through based on the race we were born into and how the world has responded to us. We must work to be better at welcoming and changing our language, ignorance and prejudices when it comes to race and faith.

Race & Faith meets on the second Sunday of each month at 12:30. Our format usually consists of examining race and faith from historical and/or academic context then observing current examples. In January we began participating in the Beloved Discipleship development opportunity through the Bi-District. This is a discipleship training experience at the intersection of the mission of Jesus Christ to go into all the world, from our front door and beyond and make disciples, irrespective of ethnicity, class, culture or background. It is an opportunity to create the beloved community and develop the body of Christ. It is an opportunity to move from a conversation on race and faith to meaningful action on race and faith. For further information on Race & Faith, please email Jess Posey at moc.liamg@yesopssejwb