Confirmation June 5

Confirmation June 5

This Sunday, June 5th is Pentecost, and it is also the Sunday we recognize our confirmands! They’ll be recognized during the 10am service, and we hope you can join us either in person or virtually! Afterwards, there will be a reception with these two amazing ladies, and we hope you’ll join us for cake and refreshments! Want to let them know how much they mean to you? Please let Sarah know by email (gro.cmuainocnarf@htuoy) or the church office! We’re hoping to include notes from those who have made such an incredible impact to them in their gifts, so please submit your letter to Sarah before Sunday at 9am.
If you want to hand write it and are coming for the Sunday service, feel free to pass it to Sarah before the start of the service. Please let Sarah know if you have any questions.