Youth News

Youth News

Youth will NOT meet this Thursday, due to the Church Council meeting at the same time. INSTEAD, the Support Squad of Franconia UMC will have its first meeting, as we support our very one Shea Porter-Miller at his band competition on Saturday. We will meet at Colgan High School at 11 a.m. outside the ticket booth and sit together to cheer on Shea!  You’ll need money for lunch (there will be food options at the school). We’ll stay until the awards ceremony for his class (around 1 p.m.), and then you can stay until the JMU band plays at 5 p.m., or, if you need to leave, you are free to do that too! Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students. Please email Sarah at gro.cmuainocnarf@htuoy if you have any questions.

We’re still working on planning and practicing for the Youth Sunday service on October 9th, and the more the merrier! If you’re interested in taking part in this incredible service, please let me know. Otherwise, we hope you’ll join us at either the traditional (9 a.m.) or contemporary (11 a.m.) services!  And, super exciting, we’ll be celebrating the amazing job the youth always do for the services.  After the fellowship time, we’ll eat lunch together and go to Dave & Busters for game time! Everyone will need money for game cards at Dave & Busters, and we’ll be finished at 3 p.m. Parents are absolutely invited to join!  Please let me know if you’re coming to either of these events. Hope to see you soon!