New SALT Bible Study

New SALT Bible Study

The Seeking and Learning Together (SALT) Bible study group will start a new study beginning October 5 – November 30: “Esther: Seeing Our Invisible God in an Uncertain World” by Lynn Cowell, Amy Carroll.

Synopsis: What do you do when God seems to have vanished?

When you have a decision to make, when your stability is shaken, when your sure-fire plan fails—when everything is spinning out of control…

Esther is the perfect partner for seeing our invisible God in uncertainty. Though she lived centuries ago, Esther speaks to us when we run into limited control and resources. We find in her a strength and fortitude you and I need today. A strength we discover as we follow her process of listen, feel, do, and speak. We’ll see that Esther carved a pathway, not only with faith but with influence, for all women who find themselves walking through uncertainty.

This in-depth study of the book of Esther is a gritty dive into a woman’s story that teaches us to:

  • Listen to wise people who fill our gaps of understanding
  • Embrace your feelings as a catalyst for God-directed action.
  • Do the work God assigns you even when in doubt.
  • Speak up with confidence, knowing that God has a place for your voice in His story.

This study guide includes biblical and historical background insights, Bible study, practical application, and questions for reflection.