Online Giving

Online Giving


We want to thank everyone who has given to Franconia UMC so generously through the Coronavirus pandemic. Your giving has allowed our church to continue to make a difference for Christ through a very challenging time. Throughout this time, with many activities put on hold, we have been also spending at a lower rate. As we return to more in-person activities and are now fully staffed, we do anticipate our expenses will also rise.

Again, we thank you for your support of Franconia UMC.

Ways to support Franconia UMC:

  • Please use the buttons above to set up and use a e-giving account
  • Simply take advantage of your banking institution’s “online banking” program and add Franconia UMC as a vendor. Your bank will then debit a pre-determined amount from your checking account at a time of your choosing, cut a check, and mail it to FUMC. Many banks do not charge their clients for this service. Information you may need to set up a vendor account for on-line banking:

Name: Franconia United Methodist Church Mailing Address: 6037 Franconia Road, Alexandria, Virginia 22310 Phone Number: 703-971-5151 Account Number: here you can enter your full name If you have any questions about electronic giving, please email gro.cmuainocnarf@eciffohcruhc.

  • Mail a check to Franconia UMC at the above address. Our mailbox is checked daily.