08/01: Statement from the Church Council on Systematic Racism

08/01: Statement from the Church Council on Systematic Racism

As we continue our conversation around racial justice, the Church Council has issued a Statement on Systemic Racism.  This statement is in line with the call of the Bishops of the United Methodist Church to address racism and our baptismal vows to “resist evil, injustice, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves.”  Our hope is that this statement will create further dialogue about our responsibility as a church and as Christians to address racism, and to elicit a deeper commitment to living our Christian faith in this area. We are confident that all of us at Franconia United Methodist Church care about justice (which, in scripture, is most often expressed as ensuring fair and equitable treatment for the vulnerable or powerless), we agree that racism is wrong, and we want to see our city look more like the Kingdom of God (as we pray, “thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”).

In Christ’s Love,

–Pastor Melissa
–Jeff Sheldon, Church Council Chair

NOTE: This is a two page document; please scroll within the pdf document to review the full text

Statement on Race and Faith Final Version