Weekly Worship – January 24, 2021

Weekly Worship – January 24, 2021

Click on “save” button,” above, to download this week’s worship lyrics.

Sermon: “Being Christ in the World,” by Bruce Bartolain, Lay Speaker

Music Director Kevin Lackie; Pianist June Shuffett; Children’s Message by Linda Biscardo; lay reader Lisa Dickinson; “Sharing Our Story” by Dar Davis; preview of Adult Discipleship Plan by Libby Hall and Bruce Bartolain; Finance update by Cindy Langan; piano, violin, flute trio by June Shuffett, Robert Shuffett, and Susan Huffaker

Produced by Jess Posey

Music licensed under CCLI License No. 909980 – Size B, CCLI Streaming License – CSPL151972 – Size B.

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