03/25: Prayers in a Pocket Mean a Lot!

03/25: Prayers in a Pocket Mean a Lot!

Pocket Prayer Quilts That Mean a Lot

Imagine our young soldiers, many of them freshly out of basic training and never before having traveled very far from home — and then learning their first duty assignment is Kuwait, Baghdad, or Afghanistan. Or imagine being assigned hours of patrol, working in absolute silence in the dark, alone.

These actually describe the situations of some of our pocket quilt recipients. The quilts are made to fit in a pocket, under their cap or helmet, reminding them of your love and prayers said for their comfort, well-being and safety.

Many of you know about our Pocket Prayer Quilt Ministry as you may have tied knots during a worship service or Bible study. Pocket prayer quilts are constructed with patriotic fabric and knots tied to signify prayers and support given to service members who face danger daily to protect our freedoms. We have pocket prayer quilts completely knotted and blessed by Pastor Melissa ready to send. If you would like us to send a pocket prayer quilt to a service member, please contact gro.cmuainocnarf@eciffohcruhc.