Announcements (Page 7)

Announcements (Page 7)

Pastor Appreciation

Pastor Appreciation Day is Sunday, October 8.  Let’s shower Pastor Melissa with cards to show how much we appreciate her.  Cards may be mailed to “Church Office” at 6037 Franconia Rd. Alexandria VA 22310 or placed in the church office door file.

Trunk or Treat Volunteers and Donations

Time for Trunk or Treat! One of our more popular community outreaches is our Trunk or Treat event. This year we are happy to once again offer this to the children in our community. It will be on Saturday, October 21 from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. We have several games, crafts and balloon animals planned in addition to the treats given at the cars. We will need several volunteers for this event in addition to candy donations and decorated cars.…

Coffee and Conversation

Grab a steaming cup of coffee and a snack between services and join us for Coffee and Conversation in the Small Kitchen (lower level of the church in the Admin wing) from 10:15am-10:45am this Sunday, September 24, 2023. We finished the 5th book of the Old Testament last week.  This week, we make a giant time and book leap into the New Testament!  Why?  Well, there is no big theological reason – just change things up a bit.  We will begin…

Fellowship Ambassador Training

Fellowship Ambassador Training    We want YOU to be a Fellowship Ambassador! We are all Ambassadors, aren’t we? We all want people who are visiting Franconia UMC to feel welcome, no matter who they are or why they’re here. A Fellowship Ambassador is a person who interacts with visitors – people who come to the church at times other than worship services – to help them to feel welcome and to help us live into our Core Values. When people feel welcome and feel others are interested…

A Gentlemen’s Afternoon

The Ladies High Tea was a total success! And we didn’t want to forget the men! All gents (children, youth, and adults) are invited to an afternoon of food and games on Sunday, October 8 at 3:00 p.m. There will be video games as well as card and board games, and even Corn Hole! This will be a laid back afternoon to hang out, eat some tasty snacks, and get to know others in the church! All are invited and…

Mission Trip Interest Meeting

If you are interested in joining the youth for their mission trip the last week of July 2024 (July 21-28, 2024), there will be a meeting in Cokesbury Hall this Sunday, September 17 at 3pm. All youth and parents are encouraged to attend this meeting. We will be going over costs, possible projects, overview of Red Bird, and answering any questions you may have. All youth who finished 6th grade through graduating high school seniors are invited to go, as…

Safe Sanctuary Training Opportunity

Safe Sanctuary training opportunity will be September 24 from 12:15 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. in Cokesbury Hall and on Zoom Keeping our children safe is of utmost importance to us at Franconia UMC. We have created a Child Protection Policy to help with this. One requirement of this policy is that volunteers who work with the children and youth of the church complete a Safe Sanctuary training. We will be offering this training on Sunday, September 24 in a hybrid…

Coffee and Conversation

Grab a steaming cup of coffee and a snack between services and join us for Coffee and Conversation in the Small Kitchen (lower level of the church in the Admin wing) from 10:15am-10:45am this Sunday, September 17, 2023. We will look this week at the last of the five books of the Torah, Deuteronomy. Deuteronomy offers Moses’ final word to Israel, encouraging the people to listen to God and love him. Israel’s faithfulness to the covenant they made with God…

Conversations on Race and Faith this Sunday, September 10 at 1:00PM

The next Conversations on Race and Faith is this Sunday, September 10 at 1:00PM on Zoom. This month we ask the question, What Does We The People Mean? We The People; three of the most misinterpreted words in American History. Written in the Papal Bulls of the 15th Century, embedded in our founding documents in the 18th Century, codified as legal precedent in the 19th Century and referenced by the Supreme Court in the 20th and 21st Centuries, the Doctrine…

Coffee and Conversation – Sunday September 10th at 10:15 AM

Coffee and Conversation   Grab a steaming cup of coffee and a snack between services and join us for Coffee and Conversation in the Small Kitchen (lower level of the church in the Admin wing) from 10:15 – 10:45 a.m. this Sunday, September 10. We will continue to journey with the Israelites through the desert.  On their way to the promised land, Israel rebels against God again and again. Each time Israel rebels, God displays his justice and mercy together. A…