

Love Your Neighbor Campaign

Tired of the negativity in our world? Dismayed by how people are treating one another? Let’s join together to follow Jesus’ call to “love our neighbors.” Join us this fall as we partner with Kingstowne Communion and other area churches to be a visible example of Christ’s love in the world. We invite our neighbors to join us in sharing intentional acts of kindness in our community.   Upcoming events can be found on our Neighborkind Collective webpage:  

Vacation Bible School

Stellar VBS at Franconia UMC July 10 – 14, 2023 from 9:00 a.m. – Noon. Launch kids on a cosmic quest where they’ll have a blast shining Jesus’ light to the world. Stellar rockets kids on an out-of-this-world adventure that’s light years of faith-building fun. We will start and end each day in the sanctuary with a time of celebration. The children will be divided by age into crews of no more than 12. The crew leaders will then help the children move through…

09//10: School Supply Collection Now Through Sept. 28!

School Supply Donations for Local Students The NOW Ministry is collecting school supplies to help the students who attend our nextdoor neighbor, Franconia Elementary School. Franconia is hoping for at least 50 each of the following: – Composition notebooks (no wire), preferably black and white – Plastic folders with no clasp At least 25 each of the following: – Glue sticks – Pencil boxes – Pencil case with 3 holes that can be put inside of a binder – Washable markers…
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