Walk-a-Thon Sponsors
The walk-a-thon begins this week! It is not too late to sign up by contacting Brenda Talley at moc.liamg@ohyellatadnerb! But, we are not walking just for the fun of it, but to raise money for our Rise Against Hunger event in October. Our walkers (Team Godspeed in Mitchell, South Dakota and Team J-Walkers here in Franconia) are looking for sponsors. Please consider sponsoring a team or an individual walker or the event as a whole by making a donation through…
Help Wanted – Phoenix Rising
Every month, Phoenix Rising relies on the congregation for continuing donations of canned tuna, bread, juice boxes, pudding cups, fruit cups or applesauce, chips, cookies and granola bars to make approximately 150 bagged meals. Franconia UMC needs a volunteer or volunteers to act as a co-coordinator for Phoenix Rising. Responsibilities include working with Franconia’s other co-coordinator to ensure that there is enough food to make around 150 bagged meals (number varies), oversee making the bagged meals, and delivering them. Franconia…
The Missions committee and the Youth Group will be assembling Hygiene Kits for the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). We will be collecting donations of 1) items that go in the kits (see list below) or 2) monetary donations to purchase items. Donations should be labeled as Kits for Conference or Hygiene Kits. Below is the list of items needed for the Hygiene Kits. UMCOR sends these kits around the world following disasters. For most items they are very…
Rise Against Hunger Event on World Communion Sunday
Rise Against Hunger Event on World Communion Sunday Our fifth annual Rise Against Hunger event is scheduled for Sunday, October 2. We are planning to put together approximately 20,000 meals. We need to raise nearly $7,000 for this event. Please consider donating online or in-person. If donating online, please go to https://www.franconiaumc.org/e-giving/, click Donate Now, and on the drop down menu under Fund, click on Rise Against Hunger. If donating by check, please write “Rise Against Hunger” in the memo…
Koinonia Holiday Food Basket Donations Now Being Collected
Holiday Food Baskets for Koinonia The NOW Ministry is accepting donations to feed five local families for Thanksgiving and Christmas!
Gift Cards Being Accepted for Rising Hope Canned Goods; Deadline Nov. 13
Canned Goods for Rising Hope Food Pantry (no triskaidekaphobia allowed)
10/16: Franconia “Presents for Panthers” Holiday Gift Drive Due by Dec. 9
HELP MAKE THE HOLIDAY SEASON MAGICAL FOR LOCAL FAMILIES!! “Presents for Panthers” is the theme of our holiday gift drive this year in partnership with Bush Hill Elementary School.