

Prayer changes things.

If you would like a free prayer shawl (for yourself, or someone you know) or if you would like to help knit or crochet (we’ll provide the supplies and instructions), please see this page for more information!

Join our online prayer list, which lists concerns and praises provided by our community. Franconia’s email prayer group process exists to offer prayer support for all who have special needs, as well as supporting the ongoing work of the church.

Email prayer requests should be sent to gro.cmuainocnarf@sreyarp or by contacting the church office at 703-971-5151.

To subscribe to the list, see form below.

Please remember to obtain permission from the person(s) needing prayer before you provide their name to the list. Or, simply submit the request as an “unspoken name.”

All types of prayer requests are suitable. Prayers can be raised for those who are experiencing difficult or trying times, as well as for times of joy, praise, and thanksgiving. It is an honor and a blessing to be in prayer for one another regardless of the circumstances, so don’t be shy!

If you need to contact the pastor, email her directly so that the information will go directly to her.

To subscribe to the prayer list:


Join our e-mail prayer list!

* required



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