Franconia Players

Franconia Players

Franconia Players – Musical is for children in grades 2–12 and meets on Wednesday nights from 6:00-7:00 p.m. in the stage room. The children work together to learn their lines and the songs for the spring musical.

Franconia Players – Puppets is also for children in grades 2–12 and meets on Wednesday nights from 7:007:30  p.m. in the stage room.  This is a great option for those children and youth who have stage fright or want to explore life behind the curtain. This group will work up skits to add to our Children’s moment in our worship service as well as participate in special services.

For more information, please email Linda Biscardo at gro.cmuainocnarf@yrtsinimsnerdlihc

Our Franconia Players – Puppets performed for our Youth Sunday 11:00 a.m. service.
