Visitor FAQs

Visitor FAQs

Here are some FAQ’s (frequently asked questions) about Franconia UMC:

What can I expect when I visit? Expect a warm welcome. We know it’s a little intimidating to come into a church for the first time.  Maybe you are new to the area. Maybe you’ve never been to a United Methodist Church. Maybe you’ve never been to a church at all. Driving directions and parking information can be found here.

Is there a dress code? Not really. We see a good variety of styles – some are comfortable wearing suits or business attire, others prefer casual dress clothes or even jeans to our Sunday services.

Will I fit in? Sure! We will welcome you, just as you are. We are all seeking answers and guidance, and you will be welcomed as “one of us.” Once you enter the church you will be greeted and given a bulletin by an usher. The bulletin will provide you with everything you need to know about the service you will be experiencing. You probably have heard that sometimes churches will call attention to those who are new – making them stand, speak, etc., but we don’t do that.

kid question marks

What about my children? Kids are welcome, wiggles and all, and regardless of their ages, all may participate in all aspects of our service. For your convenience, we do have a staffed nursery with a paging system for both our 9 am and 11 am Sunday services, but infants and toddlers are also welcome to stay in all church services if their parents prefer that. At our services, there is a point where all children are asked to come to the front of the church to hear a special message for them from the Pastor or Director of Children’s Ministries. After children’s time, children ages 3 through 5th grade will be invited to attend Children’s Church. The children will remain there through the rest of the main worship service. Parents of first-time Children’s Church attendees are asked to accompany their children so they may be registered. You may then return to the worship service (just ask if you need help in returning to our sanctuary). It is important for you to know that we take the care of your little ones seriously, and our church supports a child safety policy that is updated annually, at all functions involving our children.

Tell me about receiving communion. Should I be doing something to prepare prior to taking communion?  We celebrate communion on the first Sunday of each month and also on or near special holidays. There is no purposeful preparation prior to the service, as is found in some denominations. The United Methodist Church welcomes all (non-members, visitors, and children) to the Lord’s Table.
