Neighborkind Collective

Neighborkind Collective

We partner with Kingstowne Communion and other area churches to be a visible example of Christ’s love in the world.  We are excited to share our new name, Neighborkind, which builds on both our Love Your Neighbor and Kindness campaigns.  We are excited to continue our work with Kingstowne Communion together as the Neighborkind Collective.

The Neighborkind Collective is a newly forming network of local churches, nonprofits, and businesses committed to providing touch points of connection, neighborliness, and community service as a means to remedy the epidemic of loneliness in our Alexandria, VA area. Questions about this event or about the Neighborkind Collective in general? Email moc.liamg@evitcellocdnikrobhgien.


Upcoming events for our Neighborkind Collective:

Sunday March 30, 2025
Neighborkind Lenten Offering

Franconia UMC and Kingstowne Communion are making a Lenten offering to new Hope Housing’s New Hope New Home program, which supports people transitioning from temporary housing to apartments. Approximately $400 will provide the initial move-in items, and other basic household necessities for an apartment. Through our Neighborkind Collective, we hope to raise enough for several apartments. Here is where the pinwheels come in. April is Child Abuse Prevention month and in recognition, Franconia UMC is planting a pinwheel garden— blue pinwheels bring the symbol for this initiative. In exchange for an at-will donation for New Hope New Home, you will get a note that it is for the Neighborkind Lenten Offering. You can also put donation sin the offering plate, earmarking it for the Neighborkind Lenten Offering. We will hand out the pinwheels after services on Sunday, March 30, 2025, to plan directly into the church’s front yard or in your own yard.


Sunday April 6, 2025
Join Franconia United Methodist Church and Kingstowne Communion for our first “Neighborkind Collective” event this fall. We will gather at Franconia Lee District Park Amphitheatre 10 a.m. for worship, and immediately after head over to Chessie’s Trail for our Egg Hunt event. Make your way down one of our two egg-scavenger hunt trails, hunting for 8-10 interactive stations with egg-centric games, relays, crafts and more, collecting eggs along the way at each station to turn in at the end for a generous bag of Easter treats.

Event Location:
Franconia-Lee District Park, 6601 Telegraph Rd., Franconia, VA 22310
Event Details:
– 10 a.m. One Worship Service at park amphitheatre
– 11:30am-1:30pm Egg Hunt along Chessie’s Trail

Admission: This event is FREE to our community, and all are welcome, but in an effort to do the most good, we ask that you bring one or more of NEW & UNOPENED packages of children’s socks and underwear (all sizes). These items will help us support the Fund for Alexandria’s Child, a non profit that works to enhance the quality of life of children in foster care and children at risk of abuse and neglect in our area.

Sign up to serve as a volunteer and/or for candy donations: Neighborkind Collective: Egg-Scaveganza Volunteer Sign-up
