Sermons by Melissa Porter-Miller (Page 23)

Sermons by Melissa Porter-Miller (Page 23)

Sunday Worship – June 14, 2020

Sunday worship service at Franconia United Methodist Church, Alexandria, VA, June 14, 2020. Click ‘save’ button to download lyrics for music. Pastor Melissa Porter-Miller; Music Director Kevin Lackie; Pianist June Shuffett; reader Joana Arthur. Produced by Jess Posey and Lisa Dickinson Music licensed under CCLI License No. 909980 – Size B, CCLI Streaming License – CSPL151972 – Size B.

Beware, Don’t Worry

Message: Beware, Don’t Worry” by Rev. Melissa Porter-Miller Music Director Kevin Lackie; reader Jeff Sheldon Produced by Jess Posey and Lisa Dickinson Music licensed under CCLI License No. 909980 – Size B, CCLI Streaming License – CSPL151972 – Size B, and One License No. A-733818

Touch, Heal

Sunday worship service for April 26, 2020 with message by the Rev. Melissa Porter-Miller With Music Director Kevin Lackie; reader Lisa Dickinson Produced by Jess Posey and Lisa Dickinson Music licensed under CCLI License No. 909980 – Size B, CCLI Streaming License – CSPL151972 – Size B, and One License No. A-733818

Stay: Witness

Below is the Sunday worship service featuring Rev. Melissa Porter-Miller (message); Music Director Kevin Lackie; reader Joana Arthur Produced by Jess Posey and Lisa Dickinson Music licensed under CCLI License No. 909980 – Size B, CCLI Streaming License – CSPL151972 – Size B, and One License No. A-733818