Sermons by Melissa Porter-Miller (Page 24)

Sermons by Melissa Porter-Miller (Page 24)

Easter Sunday: Just As He Told You

Easter Sunday – April 12, 2020 The Rev. Melissa Porter-Miller with Music Director Kevin Lackie; Pianist June Shuffett; Handbells Linda Biscardo; Readers Lisa Dickinson and Jeff Sheldon; Vocal quartet Kevin Lackie, Robert Shuffett, Peggy Owusu-Ansah, and Jessica Berg. Produced by Jess Posey and Lisa Dickinson. Special Music: Kevin Lackie, soloist; June Shuffett accompanist. Performing “5 Mystical Songs” by Robert Vaughan Williams. Music licensed under CCLI License No. 909980 – Size B, CCLI Streaming License – CSPL151972 – Size B, and…

Good Friday: The Way of the Cross

Featured in this worship service: Rev. Melissa Porter-Miller, Music Director Kevin Lackie, Pianist June Shuffett, Readers Joana Arthur and Jeff Sheldon. Production by Jess Posey and Lisa Dickinson Music licensed under CCLI License No. 909980 – Size B, CCLI Streaming License – CSPL151972 – Size B, and One License No. A-733818

The Last Supper . . . Risking Loss

This message was delivered by the Rev. Melissa Porter-Miller, with music by Kevin Lackie, FUMC Director of Music, with readings by Jeff Sheldon and Lisa Dickinson. This also includes a presentation by Finance Ministry Chair Cindy Langan.


This is the March 15 sermon and worship service featuring Pastor Melissa Porter-Miller and Director of Music Kevin Lackie