Stewardship Program

Stewardship Program

The Statement of Intent is now available. Instructions for use:

  • Please download, complete and save or print (with changes) the Statement of Intent Form.
  • You may bring the completed form to church or mail it to Franconia UMC, Attention Finance Secretary, 6037 Franconia Rd., Alexandria, VA 22310.  Or you may email it to the Franconia UMC finance secretary at gro.cmuainocnarf@ecnanif.  Please keep in mind that these forms can be used throughout the year; we simply focus on the upcoming year’s budget during the last quarter of the current year.

Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body. And be thankful. (Colossians 3:14-15)

We are called to share the love of Christ and to build up the community of believers, the church, with our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness.  Loving God includes not just our “heart, soul, and mind,” but our time, energy, and money as well.

All who call this church their home are asked to return an Estimate of Giving card for the coming year. There are two reasons we ask each member to fill out and return these cards:

  • Returning the Estimate of Giving card allows the church to accurately plan for our ministries for the coming year
  • The act of filling out a card is a way of inviting each member to prayerfully set a goal for giving.

Generosity does not happen by accident but requires planning and prayer.  This is an important decision to make each year, and one that is an expression of our faith and commitment to Christ and a way of furthering the mission and vision of our church.

Please pray about your giving, reflect upon your goals for generosity, and prayerfully consider what offering you plan to give to God through our church in the coming year.  If you would like to use automatic giving, you can enroll at

Thank you for all you do to support God’s work at Franconia United Methodist Church.  Our hope and prayer is that your giving is a source of blessing and joy in your life.  United in Christ’s love, we as the church shape and transform hearts and lives in powerful ways.  As we bring our gifts together, you truly make a difference in our church, our community, and the world.
