Trunk or Treat

Trunk or Treat

Trunk-or-Treat returned in the fall of 2022 and 2023 and it was better than ever! This is our annual event where members of the congregation and community decorate their cars and hand out candy to provide a safe environment for children to trick-or-treat. It is one of our largest community outreach events of the year and we had more games than we have ever had before!  These games included: a jack o’ lantern toss using pouches of Swedish fish/sour Patch Kids candy; a candy corn ring toss using glow in the dark necklaces; a tic-tac-toe game using small candy like tootsie rolls; a game to knock a pyramid of cups over using fun size candy bars; a pick a pumpkin game where kids chose a lollipop from the “pumpkin patch” (orange colanders with paper stems) and if the lollipop had a black dot on the bottom of the stick they won a prize; and Toss and Score another throwing game this time using mini candy bars thrown into holes on a board. The children received the candy they used for the game after they played. If they won their game, they also received a prize.

We also had craft tables with two different crafts offered. The Director of Youth and Young Adults, Sarah Sweeney, dressed in her clown costume and made balloon animals for the kids! It was truly a wonderful event.

Approximate 458 people attended the event, and we 42 had volunteers.

