Past Events (Page 9)

Past Events (Page 9)

Sep 19, 2021

Spiritual Gifts Workshop

This workshop (available via Zoom) is designed to review what is meant by Spiritual Gifts, discuss the outcomes of a Spiritual Gifts self-assessment, and discover how to live into these gifts to “become Christ in the world.”
Sep 12, 2021

Franconia Bingo!

BINGO!  The NOW Committee will be hosting their first-ever Bingo event on Sunday, Sept. 12, 3 p.m.
Aug 29, 2021

Leadership Planning Day

Franconia’s leaders will meet in person at the church. We will be looking at where we are at as a church, and discerning the next faithful steps God is calling us to take as a congregation. Please be in prayer for our time together.
Aug 29, 2021

Youths and Families Invitation to 8/29 Lunch

Youth (6th-12th grade) and their families are invited to LUNCH on August 29th at 11 a.m. (immediately after church) in the back parking lot. RSVP by 8/28 (see below). Have you been asking the question, “who’s the new girl?” Ever wanted to ask the Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries a question, but can’t seem to find the chance? New in town and want to see what there is for youth at Franconia? Here’s your chance! This will be…
Aug 22, 2021

Blessing of School Backpacks

Blessings of the Backpacks On August 22nd, students are invited to bring their backpacks to worship for a special back-to-school blessing.  We will also be praying for our teachers and all staff of our schools as we start the 2021-22 school year.
Aug 2 – 6, 2021

In-Person Vacation Bible School

Your children are invited to participate in our in-person Vacation Bible School! Participants will need to be masked and socially distanced. We will limit crew sizes to 10 with a maximum of 50 participants. This will allow us to stay at safe distances in all of the rooms in the church. This faith-filled adventure will be mountains of fun as we learn how trusting in Jesus will pull us through life’s ups and downs. Each day a different Bible story,…
Jun 27, 2021

Youth Group Meeting

All students who are rising to grades 6-12 this fall are invited to an outdoor youth group meeting. This will be a time to get together, learn about each other, and, most excitedly, plan for the future! We will meet outside for around an hour. We also request that everyone in attendance wear a mask. Due to this fun and exciting event, we will not meet for Sunday School at our usual time. We will discuss plans for our new…
May 30, 2021

After Worship Coffee and Chat (Virtual)

Get caught up with your Franconia family each Sunday! We’ll be “hosting” an online chat through Zoom from 11:30 am to 12:15 pm through Zoom. To participate, you’ll need to set up a free Zoom account at and then use this meeting number to access the conversation: 889 4968 9070