Virtual Worship (Page 19)

Virtual Worship (Page 19)

Online Worship Opportunities

Music is licensed pursuant to CCLI License – 909980 – Size B
Streaming License – CSPL151972 – Size B


*Worship Service and Children’s Message are available at 9 and 11 am or after on each Sunday*

**Lyrics to songs sung during the worship services are available at each link below, or at the lyrics page on this website.


Childen’s Message

The weekly message for all God’s children, from Linda Biscardo, director of children’s  ministry.

Weekly Worship – May 2, 2021

Press “save” button to download this week’s lyrics. Sermon: “I Will Not Deny You” by Rev. Melissa Porter-Miller Music Director Kevin Lackie; Pianist June Shuffett; Children’s Message by Linda Biscardo; Instrumental Trio by June Shuffett, Robert Shuffett and Susan Hufaker; lay reader Jeff Sheldon.  Produced by Jess Posey and Linda Biscardo Music licensed under CCLI License No. 909980 – Size B, CCLI Streaming License – CSPL151972 – Size B. Captioning is computer-generated and might not be an accurate transcription of…

Children’s Message

Join us for this week’s message, geared toward all of God’s children. Presented by Linda Biscardo, director, children’s ministry.