Announcements appear at the beginning of each worship service as well. View Virtual Worship for details.
Monday Bible Study for Lent
New Monday Bible Study for Lent Remember: God’s Covenant and the Cross by Susan Robb Begins on Monday, March 10th at 7:00 PM on Zoom God’s covenants throughout the Old Testament show the character of God’s promises to the people of Israel. In this study, Susan Robb leads readers through the covenants with Noah, Abraham, Moses, and David, followed by the new covenant established on Maundy Thursday. The Lenten story culminates with an examination of the cross as another example…
Ashes To-Go at Coffee In
We’re taking ashes to the coffee shop as a reminder of our common brokenness and our common need for humility, healing, and God’s grace, meeting us not just in worship but in our every day lives in community. Stop by Coffee In in Landsdowne Shopping Center to receive ashes to-go this Ash Wednesday. Participate in a brief prayer (and brief children’s activity) and enjoy FREE coffee and pastries on the Neighborkind Collective (a newly forming community collaborative of The Kingstowne…
Listening Session
Sunday March 2, 2025, 3:00pm – 4:00pm, Cokesbury Hall Franconia UMC would like to hear how you are being affected by the changes and policies of the current administration. Come and find a safe place to share and listen to one another. We will also be asking the question and listening to how we can support one another and our community. Children and Youth are welcome to come to the Stage Room for activities with Sarah, our Director of Youth…
Music Ministry News
Music Ministry All are invited to the Piano Recital featuring the Winners of the Woodbridge Music Club’s Annual Kiki Thomaidis Competition on Sunday, March 9, 4:00PM at Franconia United Methodist Church. We look forward to you joining us! Your Contributions will go toward our Franconia UMC Professional Concert Series.
Music Ministry News
Music Ministry All are invited to the Student Piano Recital featuring students of the Woodbridge Music Club on Sunday, October 20, 4:00PM at Franconia United Methodist Church. We look forward to you joining us! Your Contributions will go toward our Franconia UMC Professional Concert Series.
Love Your Neighbor Campaign
Tired of the negativity in our world? Dismayed by how people are treating one another? Let’s join together to follow Jesus’ call to “love our neighbors.” Join us this fall as we partner with Kingstowne Communion and other area churches to be a visible example of Christ’s love in the world. We invite our neighbors to join us in sharing intentional acts of kindness in our community. Upcoming events can be found on our Neighborkind Collective webpage:
Lyrics sheet PDF Format Order of worship (bulletin) PDF Format
Worship and Town Hall with our District Superintendent
Rev. Dr. Sarah Calvert will be preaching February 25th at our 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Worship services with a Town Hall to follow at 12:15 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Please email gro.cmuainocnarf@eciffohcruhc for questions.
Conversations on Race and Faith
Conversations on Race and Faith will not meet February 11th. The next Conversations on Race and Faith will meet March 10, 2024 at 1:00PM on Zoom.
Coffee and Conversation February 4, 2024
The book of 1 Samuel focuses on three characters: Samuel, Saul, and David. A poem near the start of the book reveals the book’s key themes: God’s opposition to the proud, exaltation of the humble, faithfulness in spite of evil, and the promise of a messianic king. These themes are played out through the rest of the book as we see Saul rise to power, only to have his character flaws exposed as he disobeys God’s command. In contrast, God raises up…