This Week @ FUMC (Page 3)

This Week @ FUMC (Page 3)

Announcements appear at the beginning of each worship service as well. View Virtual Worship  for details.


Coffee and Conversation Returns This Sunday, January 14

Grab a steaming cup of coffee and a snack between services and join us for Coffee and Conversation in the Small Kitchen (lower level of the church in the Admin wing) from 10:15 – 10:45 a.m. this Sunday, January 14th. We will return to the Old Testament and continue our journey through the Bible with the book of Joshua.  Joshua is appointed as Israel’s new leader, a new Moses.  The book of Joshua shows us God’s faithfulness to his covenant…

New Worship Series – Bread, Bath & Beyond

So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new! — 2 Corinthians 5:17 The new year always brings opportunity to move beyond our limitations…to find new beginnings and be better than we were before. We use this cultural word-play in our series title to remember that the most basic transforming experiences of our faith — communion and baptism — are the starting points for life “beyond” our limitations.…

AGC Preschool Christmas Celebration

AGC Preschool had their Christmas Celebration today with a beautiful performance by the children (led by Ms. Karen) and a dessert/hot chocolate bar reception. Thank you to Bobby for volunteering his time doing media and Pastor Melissa for saying the prayer. And to Ms. Jessica, the teachers and parents for making this a wonderful event! Photos of the children are blurred intentionally.

Upcoming Advent Services

Please join us! We’d love to see you!  Please email gro.cmuainocnarf@eciffohcruhc for any questions. December 10 Traditional Service 10 a.m. (One Service) December 10 Christmas Comfort Service 7 p.m. December 17 Cantata 10 a.m. (One Service) December 24 Contemporary Service 10 a.m. (One Service) December 24 Christmas Eve Children’s Service 4 p.m. December 24 Lessons and Carols 7 p.m.

Staff Love Offering

The staff love offering will be accepted until December 17th, 2023.  The offering can be made via check, online giving or in person by placing your giving in the offering basket during worship service. Please indicate “Staff Love Offering” in the memo. Thank you in advance for making a donation. If you have any questions, contact Joana Arthur at gro.CMUainocnarF@CRPPS

A Night in Bethlehem – Thank You!

Our annual “A Night in Bethlehem” was a huge success! We had 354 people participate, which is over 100 more than last year! Many attendees commented that this is a beloved family tradition. We also had many newcomers who were thrilled as well to be celebrating the birth of Jesus with Franconia UMC. We want to thank the 53 volunteers who helped make this event possible – from our  shopkeepers and villagers, to the folks who helped put together the…

Women’s Bible Study – Advent Season Study

We hope some new friends would like to come and join in the conversation about how our Methodist roots shape our understanding of Advent and Christmas. We will have a conversation group from 11am to 1pm on Thursdays, December 7 and 14 and January 4 and 11. We will meet in Cokesbury room 304 through Cokesbury Door 5. To guide our conversation, we will be enjoying the video presentations from Almost Christmas. Please email Heather at moc.oohay@cgppuh for questions.

Parents Night Out – Saturday, December 16th

Parents Night Out will be Saturday, December 16th from 4pm to 7pm. We’re leaning into the Christmas season with pizza, Christmas games, a Christmas craft, and, of course, a Christmas movie! Parents/guardians/trusted adults can sign up here with your name and the number of children coming. The cost will be $20 per child, which you can pay by cash/check when you arrive, or online via our e-giving by clicking on Youth Fundraiser. This fundraiser goes to support the Youth for…