Welcoming Statement

Welcoming Statement

At Franconia United Methodist Church, We:

believe that everyone is a child of God.

welcome all people to worship, join in membership, serve in lay leadership, and actively participate in the life of the church.

welcome and affirm all persons without regard to gender, gender identity, race, sexual orientation, faith tradition, age, marital status, family structure, economic background, political affiliation, physical or mental ability or life experience.

commit to extend Christ’s hospitality, creating a place of safety and sanctuary for all people.

recognize there are differences among us and although we may not think or look alike, we commit to respect and love one another as we are all the family of God.

further commit ourselves to loving acts of invitation, hospitality, and community, providing ministry to, for, and with all persons without exception, fostering a sense of belonging where people are respected and valued as beloved children of God.

Adopted by the FUMC Council, Thursday, Nov. 14, 2019.
